Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Heheh, My Bad.

So I realize that in my last post, I said I would put up my xray results the next day, and I didn't. Well it turns out that my leg is finally 100% weight bearing, so the bone is all done healing and is strong enough to hold me up. Now I just have to work at getting the proper leg muscle back so I can walk independently; I don't have my crutches any more, after 7 months of using them to get around! I have a cane that I use to walk with, it is sweet.

It is really weird to be walking again, just walking in general is strange, my body is so used to using those crutches that it is hard to get myself out of the habits I've picked up from crutching. Pool physio is helping out a lot with that! The muscles in my leg get really tired, pretty fast, it feels like I have just run a marathon or something, but in reality I did quite the opposite.

It's official, Ashley has started posting video blogs on YouTube, and I am hella jealous! I wish I could post videos, not only am I going to drop your name in here ashley, I am going to even put the link up for your channel! She also has some very good, reputable YouTube videos in her 'Favorites'!

Monta got rid of her N today, and now has her straight up normal license, which is pretty awesome! Yay, Monta, I'm so proud!

Other than that, I don't really know what to write, so that is all for this short little update for ya!

Check ya later!

PS: Still waiting on my copies of my new Xrays!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

awwe trev i'm so happy for you :-) i bet you're excited to walk again lol!! can't wait to see you again :-) xxxx

January 24, 2007 9:47 AM  
Blogger Chrissy said...

I heart Trevor! I am excited for when I get there too! 21 more days :D:D Well, 21 more days till I am in Van and then 23 more days till I am in CR...

January 27, 2007 8:49 AM  

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