Sunday, December 24, 2006

Trevor's Bar Escapades

Well, to start it all off, on Robin's 19th birthday, I got myself an ID to use at the bar! Went to the Quinny, got in, worked 100% no problems, havin a good time, pretty stoked about the whole, being able to get into the bar idea!

Then we decide to go over to the PooDoo, as soon as I walk in the door, I see Liz Monachak at the gate checking ID's; right away I knew I wasn't going to get in, but I tried anyways. Now the ID I was using wasnt actually fake, it was real, it just wasn't me.

So I walk up to liz and straight off she is like "Hey Trevor" and I think to my self...CRAP, She remembers me! So I hand her the ID and she looks at it, then looks at me and says, 'This isnt you, and I know who this actually is!' So I just nod and say I know, and take my ID back. Screw you PooDoo.

Then just as I thought my Barstar days were over, we decide to go to Courtenay to go to the Courtenay Hotel, and Seven. We go to the CoHo, and I had the guy my ID, looks at it, hands it back to me and lets me in, and not only does he let me in, but chats me up about my leg and such!

Then after a good chill at the CoHo and one perfomance later, we decide to move on over to Seven.

Now when we walked up to seven, there was a fat line at the door, it was a pain in the ass becuse the line went up a flight of stairs, and we were waiting in it for about an hour. Then when I get to the front, I was sort of half in the door and half on the stairs and the bouncer wanted to close the lil' chain thing, so he just tells me 'Get in I dont want you falling down the stairs' So I go in, pay my cover, and he doesnt even ask for the ID! Nice!

...And that is my Tale of my Bar Escapades up till now, tomorrow I will blog again about all the random intensity of our day today, with further details of what happened while I was at the CoHo and Seven!


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