Sunday, December 24, 2006

Trevor's Bar Escapades

Well, to start it all off, on Robin's 19th birthday, I got myself an ID to use at the bar! Went to the Quinny, got in, worked 100% no problems, havin a good time, pretty stoked about the whole, being able to get into the bar idea!

Then we decide to go over to the PooDoo, as soon as I walk in the door, I see Liz Monachak at the gate checking ID's; right away I knew I wasn't going to get in, but I tried anyways. Now the ID I was using wasnt actually fake, it was real, it just wasn't me.

So I walk up to liz and straight off she is like "Hey Trevor" and I think to my self...CRAP, She remembers me! So I hand her the ID and she looks at it, then looks at me and says, 'This isnt you, and I know who this actually is!' So I just nod and say I know, and take my ID back. Screw you PooDoo.

Then just as I thought my Barstar days were over, we decide to go to Courtenay to go to the Courtenay Hotel, and Seven. We go to the CoHo, and I had the guy my ID, looks at it, hands it back to me and lets me in, and not only does he let me in, but chats me up about my leg and such!

Then after a good chill at the CoHo and one perfomance later, we decide to move on over to Seven.

Now when we walked up to seven, there was a fat line at the door, it was a pain in the ass becuse the line went up a flight of stairs, and we were waiting in it for about an hour. Then when I get to the front, I was sort of half in the door and half on the stairs and the bouncer wanted to close the lil' chain thing, so he just tells me 'Get in I dont want you falling down the stairs' So I go in, pay my cover, and he doesnt even ask for the ID! Nice!

...And that is my Tale of my Bar Escapades up till now, tomorrow I will blog again about all the random intensity of our day today, with further details of what happened while I was at the CoHo and Seven!

Friday, December 15, 2006

Im Mr. Plow, Im Mr. Plow...

So I haven't been able to go on the inter net for like...two days because the stupid windstorm broke my internet...and it broke my tv too! Well not my actual Tv but my cable. But in the meantime of it being broken, a few exciting things have happened.

Tonight was pretty much spent driving around, for about 20 mins, I just kept driving like through the lines of snow on the road being Mr. Plow! I even had a lil' jingle I sang as I did it, it was great, I annoyed the hell out of Robin, Monta and Melody, but that's besides the point! Heheh... Im Mr Plow, Im Mr. Plow...

I went down to Victoria a few days ago to pick up erica and bring her to CR, it was a pretty good trip down, saw Chloe for like 10mins while I was there, and I went to mayfair and got to rip around in the mall on a Motorized Scoooooter, that was pretty awesome...

Then like, yesterday, I drove Erica to Nanaimo to catch a ride to Vic, she had to go back to do another exam...hahah school... The highway was pretty intense, it was all rainy, and misty, and the wind kept moving my car... got passed by ashley on the way back, she got dirty mist all over my windshield! *shakes fist*

I also went in for new Xrays! He was very pleased with them, I am now at 25% weight bearing, which means I can pretty much put 40lbs of weight on my bad leg, and it goes up by 20% over the next 4 weeks, and then after the 4th week I will be at 100% weight bearing, which is very good, and then after I hit 100% it will probably be another 2 weeks or so just retraining the muscle how to walk and building enough strength in them to hold my weight! So I should be back on my feet in the middle of January!! Woot!

I can't really think of much more exciting news, so to keep this from getting rambly, which it probably already is, Im gonna jett!

Blog more soon!

P.S., I still havent gotten my old new xrays yet, but I will hunt them down and put them up here so you can see what my leg is like now...

Monday, December 11, 2006

A whiter shade of pale..

So, over the past month or so, I have been hardcore reading people's blogs. I love reading blogs, I have a list of about 10 that I check regularly in my bookmark's. Then I remembered that I have this old blog here I made like last year or something, and I thought that since I am leeching and reading other blog's; I should start making my own, so I am going to.

I don't really have very many reasons for not posting on this blog because pretty much all I have these days is time.

Legwise everything is going good! I have physio 2-3 times a week, which is going good, the lady is very happy with my leg, and I'm making lots of progress! It is going to take a lot of work to gain back all the lost muscle. I must have either lost lots of muscle mass, or just fat, because the other day I weigh myself, and before I went into my second surgery, I weighed about 185lbs but now, I weigh 161lbs, this is the lightest I have been for a very long time. So it is either because of lost muscle weight from not using my leg, or from not eating as much as I used to when I worked.

Other than that all is good too! I went down to Victoria today to pick up Erica and bring her back to the riv'. The drive down was good...but I was confused because the car ate up 1/2 a tank of gas to get to Victoria, but then when I cam back to CR it only took 1/4 tank of gas. I dunno, maybe I was drivin' too intense on the way down there, I have no idea.

But I'm cutting this short, because it some how just turned into a long ramble about nothing special!

That is all...


Monday, December 04, 2006

Seduction Style Test

Im not afraid to walk this world alone...

Well, tonight is the White Spot Xmas Staff Party....Im planning on getting drunk while I am there....yes, drunk on crutches. I am looking forward to it. Right now I am sitting here, busting out to MCR...its pretty rockin...

So I am still waiting for copies of my new Xrays, show I can show all you avid readers what my leg looks like right now. It is still doing good...feels pretty solid I guess..still looks straight which is good. Im still not allowed to put any weight on it, but I go in on the 13th I think next week for new xrays and such, maybe he will at least put me at 50% weight bearing, that would be awesome!

*dances to MCR*

So, I have decided that I must be relativly emo, and I am okay with that, becuse im not too concerned, so what if I like MCR, why does that make me emo...I think the stereotype emo is funny....and if you think about it we are all pretty emo, to some degree. In the famous words of Ellen, EGBOK!

I really don't know where I am going with this, I think I am done typing...

*dances to Madonna*