Wednesday, September 22, 2004


There is no silence there is just constant noise all the time, people are always talking all the time and even with all the talking there is no communication. Even when we say "How are you," we don't mean "How are you?" We don't care, just give us a fine, or a good, just a simple answer and move along. Don't even say pretty good that is a guaranteed follow up question. ". . pretty good? I don't really care, I don't have time.You can't even engage in a full conversation, because you know that as soon as you do someones cell phone is going to start ringing immediatly. Of course it is some obnoxious song that everyone loves to hate, and it keeps ringing and ring and by the time you manage to gig it out of your pocket or fumble through your purse. It stops ringing. You usually never have a full conversation on a cell phone, you are always walking down the streets with your finger jammed in your ear, shushing the other pedestrians, hiding behind dumpsters, shouting, just to hear about your friends new hair cut. "The bangs, how are the bangs? No not the bags, the Bangs are the shorter!?"

It is always better when there is static, then you know that you are losing them. It is horrible when you have perfect crystal clear reception and you are talking for a long time straight, with wonderful reception, only to find that you have lost them, who knows how long you have been talking to your self. Then you are scared to ever have a full conversation again. "Then we were gonna go to the cheese shop, hello, good you're still there, and we knew we were having white wine, still there, okay, and I thought what kind of cheese would be best, did I loose ya, and I like Munster.

Even when you are at home you are going to be inturrupted, there's call waiting, it was really invented as a convenience but it has really turned into a "Many's People Choice Awards" hasn't it. Here you are having a conversation with what you thought was a good friend al all of a sudden there is a click, you know you heard it and they say, "Hold on, I have a call on the other line." You sit there waiting confident they are going to come back, only to have them to come back and say "I have to take this other call" and we all know that they were just on the other line saying, "Hold on I just have to get rid of this other call"


I've got TBD and Im late for yoga hurry, hurry.

The fact that we are trying to even do yoga is a joke isnt it? We are basically paying for silence, that's what we are doing with that time, we're paying for silence.

I was in Yoga the other day, here I am in Full Lotus Position, my shockers are all aligned and my mind is all clear of all chatter and I am looking out of my third eye and doing everything I am supposed to be doing. It's amazing what comes up when you sit in that silence. . .'Momma keeps whites bright like the sunlight Momma's got the magic of Clorox Bleach" Can't stop that song.

Television Today

I was watching the news the other day, brought to you by Paxil.
Back in the day, the news was on once a day, you either caught it, or you missed it. But no, to day it is on 24 hours a day, and as if that isn't enough you have the Anchorman talking, there is the crawl on the bottom of the screen. You are wtching that guy talk, you are reading the scroll, and then you are online, doing the polls. "NO I say to that NO"

It's even worse when you are watching th guy talk and you go back to the crawl and you catch the end of something. ". . .Madonna's left foot." What about Madonna's left foot, what about it, what happened? Then there you are waiting for it to come back 'round again then it goes to commercial. "Are you sad, are you depressed?" That damned Paxil again. There should just be one continuing crawl that says "Things are getting worse" thats all we need.

Then there is local TV, that is airing right as you are eating your dinner, there are these teases. "It could be the most deadly thing in the world and you may be having it for dinner, stay tuned for more!" What is that, there you are eating your dinner thinking ". . .Is it peas?"

Sometimes I feel sorry for the newscasters, you see we can turn it off, but they are there, reading off of the Teleprompter, going through a wide range of emotions. ". . .there were no survivors . . .and Next what Candy Bar helps you loose weight! Still to come is an . .asteroid headed towards earth, but first, Where to find the cheesiest pizza in town also a disturbing new study finds that studies are disturbing.