Friday, May 18, 2007

When the rich wage war, It's the poor who die.

So, its been a pretty long while since Ive posted, pretty much because Im back to walking and such, and back to work, so the time I spend on the computer has become a very minimal amount of time...

Work is going very well, I am back to doing 8 hour shifts again....shiftleading, woot. But I like being back to work, as much as I may complain about it, I like it; I missed it..

Going to Vancouver this weekend, mainly for Drew's prom but Im gonna see Ben, Mike, Kyle, hopefully meghan, and who knows who else...

But other than that dont know much of what else to say...

Check ya later, love you all!


Thursday, March 01, 2007

Where did I go wrong?

I would have stayed up
with you all night
had I'd known how to save a life.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

I still remember.

I, I still rememberhow you looked that afternoon.
There was only you.
You said "it's just like a full moon".
Blood beats faster in our veins
We left our trousers by the canal
And our fingers, they almost touched
You should have asked me for it
I would have been brave
You should have asked me for it
How could I say no?
And our love could have soared
Over playgrounds and rooftops
Every park bench screams your name
I kept your tie
I've gone wherever you wanted
I still remember
And on that teachers' training day
We wrote our names on every train
Laughed at the people off to work
So monochrome and so lukewarm
And I can see our days are becoming nights.
I could feel your heartbeat across the grass.
We should have run.
I would go with you anywhere.
I should have kissed you by the water
You should have asked me for it
I would have been brave
You should have asked me for it
How could I say no?
And our love could have soared
Over playgrounds and rooftops
Every park bench screams your name
I kept your tie
I would let you if you asked me
I still remember

-Bloc Party.

Monday, February 12, 2007


Well it sounds like it is about time that I write a new blog, or at least Jen says so. Everything has been going good...havent done that much too exciting, I am finally on a cane now, no more crutches, thank good, it is soo niice, and weird to be actually walking..

Physio is going good, Pool physio has stepped it up a notch, she is making it more intense to build up some fresh stong muscle.

I am ready to go back to work now, I have thouroughly enjoy the time off, don't get me wrong about that, it has been most excellent, but I am bored and I want to go back to work, I miss the money, the people..and just working in general!

I go to another cast clinic tomorrow, I will probably get new xrays...I realize I still havent got any of the xrays yet, since my second surgery..I am going to have to get ontop of that.

Mike was also here this weekend, which was good, nothing too uber exciting happened this weekend, but it was still good of him to come up regardless, everyone loves a lil' CR time!

Not too sure what else to write about, Chrissy comes up next week and, and Steph will be here soo too! So many people are coming back to town right now, it is exciting!!

That is all for now!
Check ya later!

Saturday, January 27, 2007


The only way to get to tomorrow, is to wait for the midnight to come and the new day to show; then go to sleep to make the new Sun come. With the new sun rise, the old day fall. The cycle of these things make the circle of how all things survive, the pure essence of the way the moisture creates beauty.

This is old. Found it while rifling through old files in my 'My Documents' folder.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Heheh, My Bad.

So I realize that in my last post, I said I would put up my xray results the next day, and I didn't. Well it turns out that my leg is finally 100% weight bearing, so the bone is all done healing and is strong enough to hold me up. Now I just have to work at getting the proper leg muscle back so I can walk independently; I don't have my crutches any more, after 7 months of using them to get around! I have a cane that I use to walk with, it is sweet.

It is really weird to be walking again, just walking in general is strange, my body is so used to using those crutches that it is hard to get myself out of the habits I've picked up from crutching. Pool physio is helping out a lot with that! The muscles in my leg get really tired, pretty fast, it feels like I have just run a marathon or something, but in reality I did quite the opposite.

It's official, Ashley has started posting video blogs on YouTube, and I am hella jealous! I wish I could post videos, not only am I going to drop your name in here ashley, I am going to even put the link up for your channel! She also has some very good, reputable YouTube videos in her 'Favorites'!

Monta got rid of her N today, and now has her straight up normal license, which is pretty awesome! Yay, Monta, I'm so proud!

Other than that, I don't really know what to write, so that is all for this short little update for ya!

Check ya later!

PS: Still waiting on my copies of my new Xrays!

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Short and Sweet.

I started pool physio onlast thurs day, that webt really awesome, I actually got to walk free standing when I was in the water, it felt soo niice and was soo exciting! I go in tomorrow morning for new xrays so I will post again tomorrow afternoon with that update!

Check ya later...